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Tips for Searching the LogisticsWorld Directory Enter your search term or keywords in the text box. Select the type of search from the options underneath the text box. Press "Search" to find your search term or keywords in the LogisticsWorld directory. The LogisticsWorld Directory search is a keyword search. You do not need to specify "AND" or "OR" in your search. For example, if you are looking for "Freight Forwarders in New York" enter "Freight Forwarders New York" select "all words" below the text box, and press "Search." Search Options "all words" - will search for all of the words you enter in the text box. This is an "AND" search. For example, if you enter "freight and logistics" the search will look for "freight" and "and" and "logistics" in any order from the listings in the directory. "any word" - will search for either of the words you enter in the text box. This is an "OR" search. For example, if you enter "freight and logistics" the search will look for "freight" or "and" or "logistics" and show any listings containing either of these words. "exact match" - will search for the exact term or words you enter in the text box. This is an "EXACT MATCH" search. For example, if you enter "freight and logistics" the search will look for the words "freight" followed by "and" followed by "logistics." LogisticsWorld |
DIRECTORY Transportation Logistics Freight Employment Trucking Software Consulting Warehousing Supply Chain Import / Export Technology Manufacturing Services Travel / Tourism Trade / Finance Business / Mgmt Educational Govt / Military International
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